Cover your entire market more effectively
At any one time only a relatively small number of companies in your territory will be actively looking for whatever you sell. So you need to identify who they are as soon as possible – because the later you get into a deal the less your chances of influencing it and of winning it.
In order to do this effectively you need cover your entire territory – but most sales people don’t. They can’t – the numbers are against them. Here’s why.
In order to effectively cover one company in their territory a sales rep needs to communicate regularly with two, three or more people. In fact some large companies have literally dozens of decision makers, recommenders and influencers.
But assuming your average sales person needs to keep in touch with three people per company, and assuming they have fifty companies in their territory (and most sales reps have many more) – that’s 150 people they need to communicate with three or four times a year to be effective.
Most sales people simply don’t have the bandwidth, especially when they have a hundred or more companies in their territory. Because it isn’t where their key focus is.
Their focus is, quite rightly, on managing active sales opportunities, giving presentations, organising demonstrations, writing proposals, building relationships, closing deals and often negotiating contracts. Winning one major deal can soak up a sales person’s time for weeks – and while that’s happening, other companies in his or her territory are pressing ahead with their own plans.
It’s almost certain that there are companies in your territory with opportunities that you don’t know about. It’s highly likely that your competitors are winning deals you didn’t even know existed. There are probably many potential customers that don’t know you have the capability to help them. Some of them may not even know that you exist.
We use our WebONE Integrated Marketing Database to help our Clients cover their territories much more effectively and economically by communicating with and nurturing these people for you until they are ready to buy, by building trusted relationships, by identifying more genuine sales opportunities. In conjunction with out ARM Business Platform we free your sales people to spend their time doing what they do best – selling.